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English Language, as an academic subject, requires students to learn to use grammar correctly; to punctuate and spell accurately; to acquire and then apply a wide vocabulary; to acquire a knowledge and understanding of grammatical terminology; to develop linguistic conventions for reading, writing and the spoken language; to listen to and understand spoken language; and also to use spoken Standard English effectively. English Language is not just a subject to be studied but rather a practical skill needed for everyday life.
GCSE English Language students draw upon a range of challenging texts, from the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries. Each text studied represents a substantial piece of writing, making significant demands on GCSE students in terms of content, structure and the quality of language. The texts, across a range of genres and types, should support students in developing their own writing by providing effective models. The texts must include literature and extended literary non-fiction, and other writing such as essays, reviews and journalism.
GCSE English Language tuition will support students in: (1) reading fluently, and with good understanding, a wide range of texts from the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries, evaluate texts critically and make comparisons between texts; (2) summarising and synthesising information or ideas from texts; (3) using knowledge gained from wide reading to inform and improve their own writing; (4) writing effectively and coherently using Standard English appropriately; (5) using grammar correctly and punctuating and spelling accurately; (6) acquiring and applying a wide vocabulary, alongside a knowledge and understanding of grammatical terminology, and learning linguistic conventions for reading, writing and spoken language; (7) listening to and understanding spoken language and using spoken Standard English effectively.
The A-Level English Language course enables students to build on the skills thast they have developed at GCSE, by engaging creatively and critically with a wide range of texts and discourses. It offers opportunities for students to develop their subject expertise by engaging critically and creatively with a wide range of texts. Students will create texts and reflect critically on their own processes of production, while analysing the texts produced by others.
A-Level English Language tuition will support A-Level students across all topics including: (1) "Language, the individual and society" - which focuses on individual and immediate social contexts for language; (2) "Language diversity and change" - this topic looks outwards and considers larger-scale public discourses about change and variety, drawing on regional, ethnic, national and global English Language; (3) "Language in action" - this topic is synoptic abd requires an ability to make connections across the course as a whole. The aim of this area of study is to allow students to explore and analyse language data independently and develop and reflect upon their own writing expertise.
A-Level English Language is well suited to anyone who wishes to follow a career path which involves using language, from the writing of scientific papers to Journalism, from Education to Law, from Commerce to The Media. Employers and employees, at all levels, depend on their communications skills to achieve their goals.