7 signs your child could benefit from a tutor:

Your child regularly struggles with their homework. If your child is regularly struggling with, hiding, or skipping their homework, it's a good sign they are falling behind or are bored with their studies. This problem only worsens with time as poor time management sets in and children build up a mountain of work.

Your child has fallen behind in one specific subject. Sometimes it can be hard to catch up, especially if there is a fundamental skill that your child just hasn't understood/mastered. The rest of the class has got it, though, and the teacher has moved on to more complex topics. Your child is now disadvantaged and may start disconnecting from the subject, falling into lower classes and grades.

Your child has low confidence or is shy in school (but not elsewhere). Suppose your child is a chatterbox at home or has no problem asking their friends and relatives endless questions. In that case, you might be surprised when you hear from their teacher that they are quiet in class or are reluctant to ask or answer questions. This lack of confidence is a sign that they are uncomfortable with what they have learned so far and could benefit from tutoring to build these core skills and improve their confidence.

You suspect or know your child has a learning disability. Schools will provide additional support for children with learning disabilities. Still, many parents report that it isn't enough to help them keep up with their classmates. SEN experienced tutors are trained to tutor various learning disabilities, and funding may be available for different conditions.

Your child is a high achiever and ahead of their class. While many think that tutoring is only for children who need to catch up, the opposite is often the case. Many gifted children grow bored with the slow pace of school and can eventually show behavioural problems as that bored energy turns elsewhere. A tutor can work with a child to explore new topics and subjects, pushing their boundaries and reigniting their love of learning.

Your child has a high-stakes exam and is unsure of passing. Whether it's their GCSEs, A-Levels or a school entrance exam – competition is fierce for children, and they will have to achieve a minimum standard to get to the next level. If they are performing below that level and need a boost, short-term tutoring has been shown to help boost grades in the run-up to an exam.

Your child has had to take extended time off school. Missing school is sometimes necessary, whether due to illness or a family emergency. But missed attendance can lead to problems as children miss being taught fundamental skills that are not revisited in the classroom again. Tutoring can be used during the absence to slow down the learning gap or effectively when they return to school to help bridge that gap.

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