Yes, online tutoring is generally considered to be more affordable compared to in-person tutoring. There are several reasons for this:

  1. Lower overhead costs: Online tutoring doesn't require a physical space, which can save on rent, utilities, and other overhead costs. These savings are usually passed on to the student, resulting in lower prices.
  2. Wider pool of tutors: Online tutoring platforms have a wider pool of tutors, many of whom may be based in countries where the cost of living is lower. This means that students can often find a tutor who charges less than a local in-person tutor.
  3. Increased competition: With the growing popularity of online tutoring, there is increased competition among tutors, which can result in lower prices.

However, it's worth noting that the cost of online tutoring can vary greatly depending on the platform, the tutor, and the subject being taught. Some online tutoring platforms offer affordable group tutoring sessions, while others specialise in one-on-one sessions with highly qualified and experienced tutors who may charge a premium. So, it's important to compare prices and services carefully before choosing an online tutor.

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