Here are the steps to prepare your child for selective school:

  1. Start early: It’s never too early to start preparing your child for selective school. Begin by encouraging your child to develop good study habits and a love of learning.
  2. Encourage reading: Reading is a crucial part of selective school preparation. Encourage your child to read widely and to read books that are challenging for their age.
  3. Develop good study habits: Encourage your child to study regularly and to develop good study habits, such as focusing on one task at a time, using revision techniques, and taking regular breaks.
  4. Practice verbal reasoning and mathematics: Verbal reasoning and mathematics are key to the selective school entrance exams. Encourage your child to practice these subjects regularly and to seek help if they are struggling.
  5. Attend a prep school: Prep schools are specialized schools that focus on preparing students for selective schools. Consider enrolling your child in a prep school if they struggle to keep up with their studies.
  6. Practice past papers: Practicing past papers is a good way to prepare for the selective school entrance exams. Ensure your child is familiar with the format of the exams and the type of questions that will be asked.
  7. Encourage a positive attitude: Encouraging a positive attitude towards the selective school entrance exams is essential. Let your child know that you are proud of their efforts and believe in their ability to succeed.
  8. Seek help if needed: If your child is struggling to prepare for the selective school entrance exams, consider seeking help from a tutor.

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