Some of the commonly known negatives of tutoring as follows:

  1. Cost: Private tutoring can be expensive and may not be affordable for everyone.
  2. Dependence: Students can become dependent on tutors to solve their problems, limiting their ability to think critically and work independently.
  3. Time commitment: Tutoring can take up a significant amount of time for both the tutor and student.
  4. Compatibility: Not all tutors are compatible with every student, and finding the right match can be challenging.
  5. Pressure: Students may feel pressure to perform well and improve their grades, leading to stress and anxiety.
  6. Ineffectiveness: Tutoring may not always result in significant improvements in a student's academic performance.
  7. Inequality: Students from lower-income families may not have access to the same quality of tutoring services as their wealthier counterparts.

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