One-to-one (or small group) tuition can help your child develop learning and study skills, which can help set up your child for greater academic success. There are many reasons why you might consider tutoring your child:

(1) An individual and unique learning experience. Your child will receive an individually-tailored learning experience they cannot always find in their classroom setting. A tutor will shape their lesson just for your child.

(2) One-on-one attention. A tutor will get to know your child’s learning style and be able to adapt their teaching methods to it. 

(3) Improving academic performance. A tutor can prepare your child for specific tests and exams, focusing directly on problem areas. Your child’s knowledge, skills, application and exam techniques will all likely improve when working with a tutor.

(4) Improving attitude towards learning and school. With the support of a good tutor, your child can become more motivated to learn. Your child is less likely to be overwhelmed or frustrated with direct encouragement and praise.

(5) Encourages self-directed learning. During tutoring, your child will learn to take the initiative more in their own learning and in controlling the pace.

(6) Improving self-esteem and confidence. Your child’s self-esteem and confidence will likely increase with a tutor as they strengthen their performance and excel in school.

(7) Improving work and study habits. Through tutoring, your child will develop better work and study routines that they can apply to other areas of their life. 

(8) A positive workspace. Tutoring in the home provides your child with an environment free of distractions, with less noise and fewer disruptions, so your child can better focus on learning.

(9) Encouraging independence and responsibility. Your child will learn to take responsibility for their own school work, doing their homework with the support of their parents.   

(10) Overcoming learning obstacles. A tutor can specifically target subject areas your child is having trouble with, whether reading, writing or maths.

(11) Encouraging questions. Your child may not always be comfortable asking questions in front of their class at school. A tutor will encourage your child to better ask questions, big or small, without feeling too self-conscious.

(12) Improving social skills. Having a tutor will likely help your child to become a better communicator, build a relationship with another adult and form better peer relationships.

(13) Increasing ability to manage one’s learning. Your child will become more competent in learning and more successful in managing schoolwork.

(14) Providing academic challenge. A tutor can help a bored or under-stimulated child reach their full potential.

(15) Prepares your child for their future. Children heading to senior school or university will know how to create study plans, develop study skills, and learn how to manage their time. 

Read more about how to find a tutor here.

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